Potree Map

This generated point cloud data displays the area in which I was born and raised.

If you click the annotations labeled point 1 and point 2, you can get an idea of what kind of view you will have from a front or back porch.

This also gives an idea of driveway placement to gain convenient access to either site. I can associate the desired driveway placement with the change in elevation from my contour map and the profile view from the potree map.

The majority of the property was owned by my grandfather and grandmother, Then to my father and his siblings. A part is now mine and will one day be my sons.

The portion that is mine, is mostly hills and the flat on top that would be hard to access.

These maps and the knowledge I have obtained throughout this course, may one day help me in the developement of this property, pontentially into a beautiful place we can call home.